ASME ( American Society of Mechanical Engineers )
Description: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a professional association that, in its own words, "promotes the art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe" via "continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach." ASME is thus an engineering society, a standards organization, a research and development organization, a lobbying organization, a provider of training and education, and a nonprofit organization. Founded as an engineering society focused on mechanical engineering in North America, ASME is today multidisciplinary and global.
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A Novel and Accurate Ritz Formulation for Free Vibration of Rectangular and Skew Plates
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: One of the major limitations of the conventional Ritz method is its difficulty in implementation to the differential equations with natural boundary conditions at the boundary points/lines. Plates ...
Coupling Ritz Method and Triangular Quadrature Rule for Moving Mass Problem
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: In this paper, a mixed method that combines the Ritz method and the triangular quadrature rule (TQR) is presented for solving time-dependent problems. In this study, the Ritz method is first ...
An Adjustable Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Flexible Launch Vehicle
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: Flexibility and aeroelastic behaviors in large space structures can lead to degradation of control system stability and performance. The model reference adaptive notch filter is an effective ...
A New Mixed Finite Element–Differential Quadrature Formulation for Forced Vibration of Beams Carrying Moving Loads
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: In this paper, a new version of mixed finite element–differential quadrature formulation is presented for solving time-dependent problems. The governing partial differential equation of motion of ...